And today, I bring you the first day of Nine Days of Corruption as dear Starminer so perfectly put it. As you know (Or at least I hope you do), during the Horus Heresy while nine Legions stayed loyal to the God-Emperor, nine also turned away from his light, driven to become servants of the Almighty Gods of Chaos, omnipotent and malevolent beings that rule the realm of the Warp. First up on the list is the Emperor's Children, those who prided themselves on their perfection but have now fallen to become sensation driven madmen beholden to Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure.
Disciples of the Eternal One
Point Total: 2000 pts
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
-Lucius the Eternal - 160 pts
-Daemon Prince - 155 pts
-Mark of Slaanesh
-Lash of Submission
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
Fast Attack
-6x Chaos Bikers - 273 pts
-2x Meltaguns
-Biker Champion
-Power Fist
-6x Chaos Bikers - 243 pts
-2x Flamers
-Biker Champion
-Power Sword
Heavy Support
-Chaos Predator - 130
-Lascannon Sponsons
-Chaos Predator - 130
-Lascannon Sponsons
-End List-
-Lucius the Eternal - Lucius is a mean character, just looking at his statline. SEVEN Weapon Skill? Yes ma'am. Adding to this, is the Armour of Shrieking Souls, which delivers an S4 hit to any enemy who's attack fails on Lucius, ignoring their armor save. Additionally, Lucius possesses the Lash of Torment, which reduces the attack stat of any model in Base Contact with Lucius by 1, completely disabling normal troops in battle.
-Daemon Prince - This choice should be obvious, considering how many Lash lists are seen these days, but just in case I'll give you the run down. The Daemon Prince has a powerful statline, allowing it to smack around all but the most powerful enemies like toys. On top of this, it had wings, allowing it to traverse the battlefield with impunity, combined with the Lash of Submission, which allows the Prince to tear units out of cover, making no place safe from it's power.
-Noise Marines - The iconic unit of the Emperor's Children, in the sacred number of Slaanesh, these units can lay down enough template fire and blast shots to tear apart anything and everything that isn't walking around in Terminator armor. The Doom Siren and Varied Frequency of the Blastmaster ruin any unit that attempts to get close enough to embattle the Noise Marines, while the Single Frequency allows for heavier fire power, slamming down deadly blasts upon enemies at long range.
-Chaos Bikers - Bikers are often called adrenaline junkies, and as such, I felt they served the theme of the Emperor's Children spot on, Space Marines tearing across battlefields, veins full of chemicals and unstoppable by any normal means. Bikes are always a fine choice, with their t5 3+ save ability, on top of the fact that they receive a 3+ cover save while Turbo-Boosting. The idea behind bikes squads is to use them in synergy with the rest of your forces, either running twin bike raids on a target of your choice, or delivering support to an embattled unit. Should neither of those tasks be necessary, bikes can serve as an outriding force, picking off targets of opportunity and distracting your opponent from the rest of your forces at often critical junctures. Squad one will charge straight towards the nearest enemy vehicle and turn it into scrap, while Squad two coasts around the board mauling hordes and large units with blistering speed.
-Chaos Predator - The drivers of the Predator aren't any less juiced than the rest of their force, however, for who can't get excited at the roar of the autocannon, the throaty growl of the engine, and the blinding flashes of light from the Lascannons. Bringing up the rear in a rather slower fashion than the other units in this list, the Chaos Predators are no less useful than any other part of this force. They rain down anti-tank fire upon vehicle heavy lists, and use the autocannon to ward off anything foolish enough to get close.
And so you have it, the first list of Nine Days of Corruption. A special thanks to the ever invaluable Starminer, and stay tuned tomorrow for the Iron Warriors. Iron Within, Iron Without! Also, a warning from your friendly Ciaphas Cain is below. I urge you all to consider it with absolute seriousness.
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