-Astorath the Grim - 220 pts
-Furioso Dreadnought - 175
-Librarian Upgrade (Blood Lance, Wings of Sanguinius)
-Furioso Dreadnought - 175
-Librarian Upgrade (Blood Lance, Wings of Sanguinius)
-5x Death Company - 210 pts
-Jump Packs
-2x Infernus Pistols
-Thunder Hammer
-6x Death Company - 240 pts
-Thunder Hammer
-5x Bolters
-Assault Cannon
-6x Death Company - 240 pts
-Thunder Hammer
-5x Bolters
-Assault Cannon
-10x Assault Squad - 235 pts
-Power Fist
-2x Meltaguns
-10x Assault Squad - 235 pts
-Power Fist
-2x Meltaguns
Fast Attack
-Baal Predator - 130 pts
-Extra Armour
-Baal Predator - 130 pts
-Extra Armour
This list focuses around the Death Company, as is the style of Astorath, with a different approach than usual. In a future post, i'll go into exact detail on how I think one should use the Death Company, but the list showcases my ideal DC unit in a Razorback, as well as an adequately armed force to escort Astorath, to take advantage of his very useful special rules for rerolls. His escort possesses of course, jump packs, and sufficient armament to tear open vehicles such as Land Raiders, Chimeras or other vehicles of that nature with their Infernus pistols, as well as a Thunder Hammer for dealing with Monstrous Creatures. The Assault Squads are present for objective holding, and with Astorath's special rule guaranteeing The Red Thirst on any roll from 1-3, I felt Sanguinary Priests were not necessary.
Furioso Librarians act as counters to enemy vehicles with their flig
ht capabilities and the power of the Blood Lance (Thus, a Weapon Destroyed result never neutralizes a Furioso Librarian), supported by the twin Baal Predators mounting Assault Cannons. They also possess Extra Armour, assuring that they can skirt the battlefield and deliver their fire every turn.
Now, on to the Space Wolves list...
Taskforce Blackmane
Point Total: 2000 pts
Codex: Space Wolves
-Ragnar Blackmane - 240 pts
-5x Wolf Guard Pack - 225 pts
-3x Combi-Meltas
-2x Frost Blades
-Assault Cannon
-Dozer Blade
-10x Grey Hunters Pack - 205 pts
-2x Plasma Guns
-Power Fist
-Dozer Blade
-10x Grey Hunters Pack - 205 pts
-2x Plasma Guns
-Power Fist
-Dozer Blade
-15x Blood Claws Pack - 250 pts
-2x Flamers
-Power Fist
-15x Blood Claws Pack - 250 pts
-2x Flamers
-Power Fist
-15x Blood Claws Pack - 250 pts
-2x Flamers
-Power Fist
Heavy Support
-5x Long Fangs - 185 pts
-2x Missile Launchers
-2x Lascannons
-5x Long Fangs - 185 pts
-2x Missile Launchers
-2x Lascannons
This list.. Has a lot of bodies. A LOT of bodies. Eighty One bodies total, presenting a veritable SEA of the Sons of Russ for the enemy to stare down. Ragnar is escorted by Wolf Guard, fitting both canon, and making use of his +D3 attacks special rule (Which serves far less purpose on a group of Blood Claws). The Wolf Guard are adequately equipped to tear open vehicles and deal with any elites you might come across, and the Grey Hunters form a solid backbone for the army. They trudge forward in their rhinos, reliably laying down a hail of bolter fire to support the storm that is the FORTY FIVE Blood Claws that will be charging your enemy's lines. Six flamers allow the mass of Wolves to force enemies out of cover, and the Power Fists ensure they aren't held up by any Monstrous Creatures or vehicles.
The Long Fangs are obviously in the list to provide long range fire support, and with their ability to split fire, Lascannons can concentrate on hard vehicle targets while the Missile Launchers can rain fire upon hordes or light vehicles.
Annnd that's that folks. I'm all listed out for the night. Hope you guys enjoyed these!
Labels: Blood Angels, List, Space Marines, Space Wolves
Hexeter said...
Ah it is good to see that you can type what with having had your arm blown clean off with a Thunderfire Cannon.
Good to see you back up and Blogging CC. My wife says you suck..because I keep asking her to buy me the models from the Ultra List you made for me.
August 12, 2010 at 3:29 PM