-Kharn the Betrayer - 165 pts
-8x Chaos Terminators - 285 pts
-Terminator Champion
-3x Combi-Meltas
-4x Combi-Plasma
-Chaos Dreadnought - 105 pts
-Additional Close Combat Weapon
-Heavy Flamer
-8x Khorne Berzerkers - 213 pts
-Skull Champion
-Power Fist
-Personal Icon
-8x Khorne Berzerkers - 263 pts
-Skull Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
-Havoc Launcher
-Personal Icon
-8x Khorne Berzerkers - 263 pts
-Skull Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
-Havoc Launcher
-Personal Icon
-8x Khorne Berzerkers - 263 pts
-Skull Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
-Havoc Launcher
-Personal Icon
Heavy Support
-Chaos Land Raider - 235 pts
-Extra Armour
Summoned Daemons
-8x Summoned Lesser Daemons - 104 pts
-8x Summoned Lesser Daemons - 104 pts

-Chaos Lord - 140 pts
-Pair of Lightning Claws
-Jump Pack
-Chaos Lord - 140 pts
-Pair of Lightning Claws
-Jump Pack
-5x Chosen Chaos Space Marines - 150 pts
-Pair of Lighting Claws
-2x Power Weapons
-2x Flamers
-5x Chosen Chaos Space Marines - 150 pts
-2x Combi-Plasma
-2x Meltaguns
-5x Chosen Chaos Space Marines - 155 pts
-3x Plasma guns
-2x Meltaguns
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 255 pts
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-2x Meltaguns
-Chaos Rhino
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 255 pts
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-2x Meltaguns
-Chaos Rhino
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 255 pts
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-2x Meltaguns
-Chaos Rhino
Fast Attack
-10x Chaos Raptors - 250 pts
-2x Flamers
-Aspiring Champion
-Pair of Lightning Claws
-10x Chaos Raptors - 250 pts
-2x Flamers
-Aspiring Champion
-Pair of Lightning Claws
Labels: Chaos, Legions, List, Night Lords

-Daemon Prince - 155 pts
-Chaos Lord - 125 pts
-Daemon Weapon
-5x Chaos Terminators - 450
-4x Chainfists
-Reaper Autocannon
-Chaos Land Raider
-5x Chosen Chaos Space Marines - 155 pts
-Chaos Rhino
-2x Flamers
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 245 pts
-Missile Launcher
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 245 pts
-Missile Launcher
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
-10x Chaos Space Marines - 245 pts
-Missile Launcher
-Aspiring Champion
-Power Fist
-Chaos Rhino
Heavy Support
-Chaos Predator - 130 pts
-Lascannon Sponsons
-Chaos Vindicator - 125 pts
-Chaos Vindicator - 125 pts
-End List-
-Daemon Prince - The Daemon Prince is a powerful creature in it's own right, and with the added bonus of "wings" for mobility and Warptime, perhaps one of the most powerful psychic powers in any codex (Providing rerolls to hit and wound), it serves as a deadly foe to any force. The role of the Daemon Prince in this list is to act as a guardian for the Heavy Support choices, ensuring that the Vindicators and Predator can fire upon the enemy without fear of reprisal, while the rest of the force in the list press forward.
-Chaos Lord - The "Chaos Lord" (In this case, I recommend modeling him as a Warsmith, in true Iron Warrior fashion) is paired with the Chosen, and acts as a response force to enemy threats that would attack the slowly advancing castle of the other forces in this list. With a Combi-Melta to rend open enemy tanks and transports and a Daemon Weapon to unleash havoc upon the unwary inside, the Chaos Lord is a cheap, but effective HQ choice.
-Chaos Terminators - The Terminators are not only iconic of Iron Warrior forces (As seen in a majority of their artwork), but they are present to act as the spearhead for the rest of the army. With Chainfists, the Chaos Terminators can tear open any and all vehicles in the way of their advance, and the Reaper Autocannon allows them to unleash a punishing hail of fire upon any foe unprepared enough to remain within its line of fire.
-Chosen Chaos Space Marines - As mentioned earlier, the Chosen act in tandem with the Chaos Lord of this list, armed lightly with a single meltagun and twin flamers, the Chosen reinforce the Chaos Lord as he acts as a deterrent against outlying enemy incursions, and when not engaged in this task can act as a corralling force to ensure that the enemy does not move in any way you are not prepared to manage.
-Chaos Space Marines - The Iron Warriors are masters of Siegecraft, and thus would be armed to respond to such things. Meltaguns are ideal for opening breaches in enemy fortifications or vehicles, while Missile Launchers can take down light vehicles, and mitigate the threat of hordes charging the Iron Warrior force, making these squads ideally prepared to deal with any manner of threat. Power Fists are an added bonus to the squads, allowing the Champions of the Iron Warriors to be prepared to tear apart any enemy vehicle, barrier, or creature in their way, ensuring that the implacable advance of the Iron Warriors remains just that.
-Chaos Predator - The Predator is an iconic Space Marine vehicle, both Chaotic and non, and the Legion that is known for its use of vehicles would have Predators afield in almost every engagement. The Predator serves as an added threat within this list, riding within the center or rear of the advancing armor column, delivering searing Lascannon blasts upon enemy vehicles, ensuring the rest of the Iron Warriors reach their destination.
-Chaos Vindicators - The ultimate vehicle in terms of siege work and heavy firepower, the Demolisher Cannon of the Vindicators allow them to fire devastating volleys of fire into the enemy, both due to its large template, and the high strength and AP of its shots, ensuring the enemy does not escape unhindered no matter where they seek to hide upon the battlefield.
Conversion Center:
-This is a new segment of my blog, and will persist beyond Nine Days of Corruption, and into the future posts on this blog, so long as it is relevant. The Conversion Center will feature advice and suggestions for appearances, models, paints, and other things of that nature for the lists and other things I present in my posts. For the remainder of Nine Days of Corruption, any non-cult troop centered force will feature a Conversion Center post, detailing the aforementioned suggestions for different models required for the list. This is strictly on a trial basis, and if I do not receive enough feedback on the CC, I will discontinue it after the conclusion of NDC. Onto the Iron Warriors!
-Daemon Prince:
-An Iron Warriors Daemon Prince would more than likely be an elevated Warsmith, and as such, would likely be an amalgamation of both daemon-flesh and machine, and its model should reflect this.
-To reflect the presence of "Wings" on this model, a larger, twisted version of the iconic Space Marine jump pack, or the Raptor jump pack might be used to reflect the mechanical nature of this sort of Daemon Prince.
-For the legs or arms of such a model, parts of the Chaos Defiler or Chaos Dreadnought might be used, as the unholy forces of the warp bend themselves to the will of a former Iron Warrior, who by this point is obsessed with the machine.
-Suggested Models/Colors: Plastic Daemon Prince, Chaos Defiler, Chaos Dreadnought. Colors are recommended to stray towards the dark and metallic, to reflect the bionic nature that is often present in the Iron Warriors.
-General Suggestions:
-As most already know, there is both a Warsmith model and an Iron Warriors conversion kit available on the Games Workshop site, and these may be used to convert a force to be more true of the Iron Warriors style.
-Forge World has released the new armor marks on their website, allowing for conversions to the earlier suits that Space Marines wore, and as a Legion that abandoned the Imperium during the Heresy, such earlier suits would be present within the Iron Warriors forces. Specifically, the Mark II: Crusade Armour and the Mark III: Iron Armour are the most fitting for the Iron Warriors, based on the artwork of their Legion.
-End Conversion Corner-
Annnd that conclude the Iron Warriors post of Nine Days of Corruption. Thanks always, to the ever invaluable Starminer, and stay tuned for the masters of terror, the Night Lords tomorrow!
Labels: Chaos, Iron Warriors, Legions, List

-Lucius the Eternal - 160 pts
-Daemon Prince - 155 pts
-Mark of Slaanesh
-Lash of Submission
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
-6x Noise Marines - 225
-Doom Siren
-Chaos Rhino
Fast Attack
-6x Chaos Bikers - 273 pts
-2x Meltaguns
-Biker Champion
-Power Fist
-6x Chaos Bikers - 243 pts
-2x Flamers
-Biker Champion
-Power Sword
Heavy Support
-Chaos Predator - 130
-Lascannon Sponsons
-Chaos Predator - 130
-Lascannon Sponsons
-End List-
-Lucius the Eternal - Lucius is a mean character, just looking at his statline. SEVEN Weapon Skill? Yes ma'am. Adding to this, is the Armour of Shrieking Souls, which delivers an S4 hit to any enemy who's attack fails on Lucius, ignoring their armor save. Additionally, Lucius possesses the Lash of Torment, which reduces the attack stat of any model in Base Contact with Lucius by 1, completely disabling normal troops in battle.
-Daemon Prince - This choice should be obvious, considering how many Lash lists are seen these days, but just in case I'll give you the run down. The Daemon Prince has a powerful statline, allowing it to smack around all but the most powerful enemies like toys. On top of this, it had wings, allowing it to traverse the battlefield with impunity, combined with the Lash of Submission, which allows the Prince to tear units out of cover, making no place safe from it's power.
-Noise Marines - The iconic unit of the Emperor's Children, in the sacred number of Slaanesh, these units can lay down enough template fire and blast shots to tear apart anything and everything that isn't walking around in Terminator armor. The Doom Siren and Varied Frequency of the Blastmaster ruin any unit that attempts to get close enough to embattle the Noise Marines, while the Single Frequency allows for heavier fire power, slamming down deadly blasts upon enemies at long range.

Labels: Chaos, Emperor's Children, Legions, List